Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Let Raed Jarrar Rot in Hell for Eternity!


Raed Jarrar has defended the insurgents/terrorists/resistance since the fall of Baghdad over two years ago. I thought that he would change his mind when he saw how many innocent Iraqi men, women, and children have been ripped apart by waves of suicide bombers. I was wrong.

Raed Jarrar hasn't said ONE WORD about the terrorists. Not ONE WORD of condemnation. Today, while over sixty Iraqis lost their lives to HIS INSURGENT BUDDIES, he talks about a protest in Afghanistan!

Raed's silence about the carnage in Iraq speaks VOLUMES!

I'm telling you, my Iraqi friends, remember where Read Jarrar stood while his buddies slaughtered your citizens.


Let's look at the numbers.

In April, 2005, RAED'S BUDDIES killed:

303 Civilians

200 Police / Military

503 Total Iraqi men, women, and children MURDERED by Raed's Dear Old Gang in April.


In the last 11 days:

284 Civilians

112 Military / Police

396 Total Iraqi men, women, and children MURDERED by Raed's Dear Old Gang in the last 11 days.


Let's add those numbers for Raed, okay?

In the last 41 days:

587 Civilians

312 Military / Police

899 Total Iraqi men, women, and children MURDERED by Raed's Dear Old Gang in the last 41 days.

Have Raed Jarrar or Khalid Jarrar shown any sympathy for those 899 dead Iraqi men, women, and children?


Not once.

What do you think about Raed and Khalid?


UPDATE: Raed Jarrar posts again today and guess who he blames for the murder of over sixty Iraqi men, women, and children today?

Yes, that's right. He blames the Coalition forces and the Iraqi military and police for the deaths of those people.

Arab Parallel Universe Rules!

I'm so angry I can't type anymore.

Zarqawi blows up Iraqi children and Raed Jarrar blames the Iraqi policemen who are trying to protect them.

Hey, Iraqi Bloggers out there, what do YOU think?


If you want to visit just ONE BLOG today, please go to Ambassador Fayrouz's blog.

Read her words.

Look at the photograph.

I'm an atheist, but even I must send a prayer for Haider Abdul Hussein's soul today, and for all the other Iraqis murdered today.
