Sunday, January 29, 2017

Relaxation techniques for stress relief

Relaxation techniques for stress relief

Relaxation can help to relieve the symptoms of stress. It can help you calm down and take a step back from a stressful situation.
Although the cause of the anxiety won�t disappear, you will probably feel more able to deal with it once you've released the tension in your body and cleared your thoughts.
All relaxation techniques combine breathing more deeply with relaxing the muscles.
Don't worry if you find it difficult to relax at first. It's a skill that needs to be learned and it will come with practice.
Yoga and tai chi are both good forms of exercise that can help to improve breathing and relaxation.

Relaxed breathing

Practise deep breathing at a regular time and in a quiet place where you won�t be disturbed. Loosen or remove any tight clothes you have on, such as shoes or jackets. Make yourself feel completely comfortable.
Practise deep breathing at a regular time and in a quiet place.
Sit in a comfy chair which supports your head or lie on the floor or bed. Place your arms on the chair arms, or flat on the floor or bed, a little bit away from the side of your body with the palms up. If you�re lying down, stretch out your legs, keeping them hip-width apart or slightly wider. If you�re sitting in a chair, don�t cross your legs.
Relaxation techniques usually start with focusing on your breathing. The way to do it is to breathe in and out slowly and in a regular rhythm as this will help you to calm down.
  • Fill up the whole of your lungs with air, without forcing. Imagine you're filling up a bottle, so that your lungs fill from the bottom.
  • Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.
  • Breathe in slowly and regularly counting from one to five (don�t worry if you can�t reach five at first).
  • Then let the breath escape slowly, counting from one to five.
  • Keep doing this until you feel calm. Breathe without pausing or holding your breath.
Practise this relaxed breathing for three to five minutes, two to three times a day (or whenever you feel stressed).

Deep muscle relaxation

 This technique takes around 20 minutes. It stretches different muscles in turn and then relaxes them, to release tension from the body and relax your mind.
Find a warm, quiet place with no distractions. Get completely comfortable, either sitting or lying down. Close your eyes and begin by focusing on your breathing, breathing slowly and deeply, as described above.
If you have pain in certain muscles, or if there are muscles that you find it difficult to focus on, spend more time on relaxing other parts.
You may want to play some soothing music to help relaxation. As with all relaxation techniques, deep muscle relaxation will require a bit of practice before you start feeling its benefits.
For each exercise, hold the stretch for a few seconds, then relax. Repeat it a couple of times. It�s useful to keep to the same order as you work through the muscle groups:
  • Face � push the eyebrows together, as though frowning, then release.
  • Neck  gently tilt the head forwards, pushing chin down towards chest, then slowly lift again.
  • Shoulders  pull them up towards the ears (shrug), then relax them down towards the feet.
  • Chest  breathe slowly and deeply into the diaphragm (below your bottom rib) so that you're using the whole of the lungs. Then breathe slowly out, allowing the belly to deflate as all the air is exhaled.
  • Arms �  stretch the arms away from the body, reach, then relax.
  • Legs  push the toes away from the body, then pull them towards the body, then relax.
  • Wrists and hands  stretch the wrist by pulling the hand up towards you, and stretch out the fingers and thumbs, then relax.
Spend some time lying quietly after your relaxation with your eyes closed. When you feel ready, stretch and get up slowly.
If you find that relaxing is not helping you with stress, try visiting the mindhealthconnect website for professional advice and tips that may help relieve your situation.



Difference between HIV positive and HIV negative

Difference between HIV positive and HIV negative

Finger covered witha condomThe number of new HIV cases diagnosed every year worldwide has risen in the recent past. According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, over 50,000 people in the U.S. were infected with HIV in 2006.

HIV positive means that the Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or HIV anti-bodies have been detected in the body through a test. On the other hand, HIV negative means that the test conducted did not show the presence of HIV virus or any kind of antibodies. However, being HIV negative is not confirmation that the individual does not have HIV.

HIV status test

The HIV status of an individual can be easily determined through a simple blood test, either an antibody test or an RNA test. An oral test for HIV detection is also available in which cheek tissues are swabbed by the doctor and the results are confirmed within 15-20 minutes.

In 2007, The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) included the HIV antibody test in routine care for individuals seeking medical attention for any reason, as a preventative measure to curb the rise. Dr. Chinkholal Thangsing, Agency for Community Care and Development, New Delhi, advises: �Knowing the HIV status of your partner through the test is important as it considerably reduces the risk of getting infected.�

HIV negative


When an individual gets infected, the body�s response mechanism automatically produces antibodies to fight the virus. A negative HIV report normally means that the person is as healthy as before. However - varying from individual to individual - the body may take up to six weeks to produce antibodies for the virus. In such cases, there is a high possibility that the body has caught the infection, but has not yet produced antibodies. In some other cases, it is possible that the level of antibodies is too insignificant to get registered on a test.



HIV positive


Initially, HIV positive individuals may not show any symptoms. In fact, they may appear absolutely healthy from their external appearance. So much so, that most HIV positive patients may not know about their status until after being verified. However, once the presence of the HIV virus is affirmed, positive steps should be taken towards managing the critically life-threatening disease. Post diagnosis, it is recommended to meet a doctor to assess the progression of the virus. Thereafter, proper treatment and medication should be taken to combat its potential hazards.



Preventing HIV infection


To prevent HIV infection from spreading, knowledge of the HIV status of your sex partner is important. In most cases, HIV is usually transmitted through semen, vaginal fluids or blood. Besides sexual transmission,  the HIV virus is most commonly spread through shared or infected needles. Especially in cases where the HIV status is unknown, safe sex practices are highly recommended.




Saturday, January 28, 2017

10 Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee

10 Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee 


For better or worse it seems, we'll continue anticipating our first cup of coffee immediately after finishing the last cup of the day. It has long been a subject of conjecture and debate, whether consuming coffee on a daily basis was actually healthy. But a myriad of research has provided scientific evidence of the many health benefits enjoyed by the horde of coffee lovers, myself included.
Coffee is consumed literally everywhere, in the United States for example, coffee is consumed regularly by 85% of adults, and is the main source of antioxidants for Americans as a whole. However, that cup of java includes caffeine, which can increase levels of adrenaline and may affect blood pressure.
The truly great news is that there's more reasons to enjoy coffee, rather then abstaining from it. This is a beverage that should be enjoyed in moderation of 2-3 cups a day to gain the most benefits, with less risk in building a dependency on caffeine within it. Here are ten healthy reasons to drink coffee every day!

1. Does Caffeine Improve Memory?

Caffeine has been confirmed to boost short-term memory, with as little as one cup of coffee per day, relative to the average 4-5 cups. Researchers measured brain activity with the aid of a fMRI, which would show an increase in reaction time and heightened sense of cognition. Test subjects clearly showed improvement in certain areas of the brain in charge of concentration and information retention.
Although caffeine helps attentiveness, it is still inconclusive what effects it has on long-term memory. It did however enhanced consolidation in the aspect of recalling long-term memories. A group of scientist discovered that Alzheimer's patients that drank coffee regularly, had better memory recollection. Additionally, in people not yet diagnosed with conditions of memory loss, daily caffeine intake protected against or delayed Alzheimer's substantially.

2. Coffee Contains Healthful Antioxidants

There are more than a thousand kinds of antioxidants found in coffee beans, including hundreds more releasing during the brewing process. Compared to other sources, nothing comes remotely close to delivering more of it. For instance, fruits and veggies are also packed with antioxidants, yet seemingly the human body is able to absorb more of it from enjoying a cup of freshly brewed coffee.
Antioxidants play a major role in keeping us healthy and protects our cells from damage. It is also essential in curbing inflammation within the body, which eases the symptoms of many chronic conditions, such as joint pain and arthritis. Coffee also contains a specialized antioxidant that guards against developing cardiovascular diseases.


3. Coffee Drinkers Have Lower Risk for Heart Disease

As aforementioned, coffee is loaded with many beneficial antioxidants that battles inflammation, the very same that can cause arterial damage. A research conducted in the Netherlands in the time span of 15 years and over 35,000 volunteers--discovered that drinking a safe, moderate amount of coffee routinely, had up to 25 percent less risk for heart disease compared to non-coffee drinkers. Also, routine java lovers were 20 percent less likely to have abnormal heart palpitations.

4. Drinking Coffee Can Ward Off Diabetes

There are over a dozen studies that have been published proving the validity of coffee helping to prevent type 2 diabetes. The participants that drank a 4-5 cups a day were nearly 45 percent less likely to have or develop diabetes.
These conclusions held true, regardless of demographics, such as sex, weight, and height. Even more exciting, the studies point toward coffee, not the caffeine itself that protects against diabetes. Decaffeinated coffee was just as effective as mitigating the onset of diabetes.

5. Coffee Improves Your Mood and Lowers Stress

Numerous independent studies have concluded that daily consumption of coffee lowers the risk for depression for both women and men. It originates in the neurotransmitters that influence our mood, intake of caffeine triggers release of serotonin and dopamine. This is where I believe that moderation is key. Limiting myself to two to three cups seemed optimal for a boost in mood, without any heavy crashes. Coincidentally, being an anti depressant, the coffee drinkers are less likely to be at risk for suicide as well.

6. Keeps the Brain Healthy

Along with improving and maintaining memory and concentration, drinking coffee every day can also go a long way towards overall brain health. Recent studies have linked consuming caffeine with lowing the risk for mentally related illnesses. Degenerative conditions such as dementia, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and even risk of stroke is reduced. I can't stress enough to limit consumption of caffeine to 300gm per day, which is about three cups of coffee.

7. Caffeine Shown to Improve Physical Activity

Hard to believe, but caffeine can give a nice boost to endurance and athletic ability. Anyone who works out strenuously is familiar with the aches and pain associated with sore muscles. The Journal of Applied Physiology concluded that trainers that consumed caffeine with carbohydrates, had a whopping 65 percent more glycogen, compared to athletes who only had carbs.
Glycogen is essential for proper muscle functionality, increasing these levels will help muscles work better and recover much faster. Caffeine is ideal for athletes that work out daily, and need aide in reducing fatigue and inflammation. However, it should be noted that caffeine did not help with building muscle mass.

8. Coffee Can Prevent Certain Cancers

Drinking a daily cup of Joe, has been touted as a great way to prevent certain cancers. Women who drank a minimum of three cups of coffee a day reduced their risk of endometrial cancer by up to 25 percent, over women who didn't partake in the daily cups of Java. Male coffee lovers lowered their risk for prostate cancer. Additionally, scientists have discovered coffee drinkers had a lower rate of developing rectal, breast, liver, and colon cancer, as well.

9. Consuming Coffee Can Improve Liver Health

Not only does consuming coffee every day reduce cancer in the liver, it also protects it from many forms of damage. Most notably cirrhosis due to over consumption of alcohol. Researchers found an inverse link between those who drank coffee on a daily basis and lower levels of harmful enzymes in the liver. But coffee is not a viable solution to alcoholism, nor should it be used to as some sort of crutch to support that habit.

10. Male Coffee Drinkers More Fertile and Virile

It's true, men that ingested at least 250mg of caffeine per day had much higher volume of semen, compared to men who abstained from caffeine. They also experienced less cellular damage to DNA within sperm. Another awesome benefit for male coffee addicts is a much lower risk of having or developing erectile dysfunction. Even in-taking a paltry 90 mg of caffeine a day showed reduction in risk, so drink up for your sex life.

Negative Side Effects of Caffeine

We should all keep in mind that caffeine is a drug, as it is a mild stimulant. Although there are proven health benefits associated with drinking coffee, the drawback and risks should not be overlooked. Ingesting too much coffee daily can lead to a severe addiction to the caffeine. Many can begin to build a dependency, and find it extremely difficult to quit or even cutback on their caffeine.
Getting hooked and trying to wean off of coffee is no simple task. Individuals trying to quit caffeine altogether may go through withdrawal, which may include dizziness, cloudy thoughts, body fatigue, decreased energy, and headaches as the body attempts to cope and adjust to the lack of caffeine it's used to. Drinking coffee every day isn't right for everyone, especially those who experience many negative side effects, and those who deal with hypertension.
The importance of caffeine consumption in moderation cannot be overstated. The safe recommended daily intake is 300mg, but better safe than sorry, I personally drink only two cups a day, which is about 150mg. It is also prudent to stick to plain black coffee, as opposed to the sugar and fat laden beverages at your local Starbucks.

How to lower cholesterol in your body

How to lower cholesterol in your body




How to lower cholesterol

Eating a healthy diet and regular exercise can help to lower the level of cholesterol in your blood.

Adopting healthy habits, such as eating a healthy balanced diet and exercising, will also help to prevent your cholesterol levels from becoming high in the first place.

It's important to keep cholesterol in check because high cholesterol levels increase your risk of heart disease and stroke.

If you're concerned about your cholesterol, talk to your doctor.

The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners recommends that you regularly review with your doctor or specialist any medications you are taking for high blood pressure or high cholesterol to assess the ongoing benefits and risks

Fats and cholesterol

There are two main types of fat: saturated and unsaturated. Eating foods that are high in saturated fat can raise cholesterol levels in the blood.
Foods high in saturated fat include:
  • meat pies
  • sausages and fatty cuts of meat
  • butter
  • lard
  • cream
  • hard cheese
  • cakes and biscuits
  • foods containing coconut or palm oil.
Eating foods that contain unsaturated fat instead of saturated fat can actually help reduce cholesterol levels.
Try to replace foods containing saturated fats with foods that are high in unsaturated fats, such as:
  • oily fish (for example, mackerel and salmon)
  • nuts (for example, almonds and cashews)
  • seeds (for example, sunflower and pumpkin)
  • vegetable oils and spreads (for example, sunflower, olive, corn, walnut and rapeseed oils).
Trans fats can likewise raise cholesterol levels. Trans fats can be discovered normally at low levels in a few nourishments, for example, those from creatures, including meat and dairy items.

Counterfeit trans fats can be found in hydrogenated fat, so some handled nourishments, for example, bread rolls and cakes will contain trans fats.

As a major aspect of a sound eating routine, attempt to eliminate sustenances containing trans fats or soaked fats, and supplant them with nourishments containing unsaturated fats.

You ought to likewise lessen the aggregate sum of fat in your eating routine. Take a stab at microwaving, steaming, poaching, bubbling or flame broiling as opposed to simmering or singing. Pick incline cuts of meat and go for low-fat assortments of dairy items and spreads (or eat only a little measure of full-fat assortments)

Foods containing cholesterol

A few meals comprise cholesterol. This kind of cholesterol is referred to as 'nutritional cholesterol'. meals together with kidneys, eggs and prawns are better in dietary ldl cholesterol than other ingredients.

The ldl cholesterol discovered in food has a lot less impact on the level of cholesterol in your blood than the quantity of saturated fats which you consume. The coronary heart basis recommends six eggs every week can be blanketed as a part of a weight loss plan low in saturated fat for all Australians.

if your health practitioner has counseled you to trade your eating regimen to reduce the extent of cholesterol to your blood, the most critical thing to do is to cut down on saturated fat. it's also a terrific idea to boom your intake of fruit, greens and fibre.


Fibre and cholesterol

There are two different types of fibre: soluble fibre and insoluble fibre. Most foods contain a mixture of both.
Soluble fibre can be digested by your body (insoluble fibre cannot), and it may help reduce the amount of cholesterol in your blood.
Good sources of soluble fibre include:
  • oats
  • beans
  • peas
  • lentils
  • chickpeas
  • fruit and vegetables.
Try to include more of these foods in your diet. Aim to eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables each day.

Cholesterol-lowering products

There's evidence that foods containing certain added ingredients, such as plant sterols and stanols, can reduce levels of cholesterol in the blood. Plant sterols and stanols are found in nuts, seeds and legumes, vegetable oils, breads and cereals and fruits and vegetables. You need to eat two to three grams a day of plant sterols and stanols to manage cholesterol.
To meet this requirement you also need to eat foods that have been enriched such as some margarines, low fat milks, low fat yoghurts and breakfast cereals, lower fat cheese and processed cheese. People who don't have high cholesterol shouldn't eat these products regularly, particularly children and pregnant or breastfeeding women.
If your doctor has told you that you have high cholesterol, you can help lower it by changing your diet.
If you do eat foods that are designed to lower cholesterol, read the label carefully to avoid eating too much.

Get active

An active lifestyle can help to lower cholesterol levels. Activities can range from walking and cycling, to more vigorous exercise such as running and dancing.

Doing 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity on most days can improve your cholesterol levels.

Moderate-intensity aerobic activity means you're working hard enough to raise your heart rate and break a sweat.

One way to tell whether you're working at a moderate intensity is if you can still talk but you can't sing the words to a song.

How Alcohol Affect Your Health

How Alcohol Affect Your Health



What is alcohol?

Alcohol usually refers to drinks such as beer, wine or spirits that contain ethyl alcohol (ethanol). It is a mood-changing legal drug that belongs to the class of drugs known as 'depressants'.

This doesn�t mean that alcohol makes you depressed (although it can have this effect). It means that alcohol slows down the central nervous system and inhibits many of the brain�s functions. It also affects almost all of the body�s cells and systems.

When a person drinks alcohol it is absorbed into the blood stream through the walls of the stomach and small intestine, and then rapidly distributed to all parts of the body � including the brain.

Although the rate of absorption can differ depending on a number of factors, including sex, body size and composition, age, experience of drinking, genetics, nutrition and individual metabolism, it generally only takes a few minutes for alcohol to reach the brain.
The liver is the main body organ responsible for removing alcohol from the bloodstream.

It is processed at a fixed rate, and it generally takes about one hour to break down the alcohol content of one standard drink. You cannot remove alcohol from your blood by vomiting, having a cold shower or drinking coffee or other caffeine drinks.


What is a standard drink?

operating out exactly what a general drink is may be elaborate. In a nutshell, one trendy drink contains 10g of pure alcohol (equivalent to twelve.5ml of natural alcohol), regardless of glass size or alcohol kind (such as beer, wine or spirits).

as an instance, a 250ml can of high strength pre-blend spirits (7-10% alc. vol) equals 1.four-1.9 preferred liquids, even as a 285ml glass of full electricity beer (four.8% alc. vol) equals 1.1 wellknown drinks. consequently, those  liquids represent nearly three trendy drink measures in keeping with their alcohol content. that is why you must measure preferred drinks with the aid of the quantity of alcohol they incorporate, and no longer by way of the range of glasses that you eat.

In Australia, all bottles, cans and casks containing alcoholic beverages are required by using law to nation on the label the approximate variety of widespread beverages they comprise.

How much alcohol can different people drink safely?

There is no amount of alcohol that can be said to be safe for anyone as it impacts humans in exclusive approaches. factors which include gender, age, mental health, drug use and current clinical situations can exchange how alcohol influences different people.

For healthful ladies and men, drinking no greater than two wellknown drinks on any day reduces their threat of harm from alcohol-associated sickness or damage over a life-time. The danger of cancer will increase with any alcohol consumption and the advice is avoid ingesting altogether. Don�t drink more than 4 wellknown liquids at a time to avoid the chance of alcohol-related damage.

Pregnant women must now not drink alcohol because it increases the danger of damage to the child. that is due to the fact alcohol can cross the placental barrier and locate its way into the fetal blood.

Breastfeeding girls have to additionally keep away from alcohol due to the fact it could input their breast milk.

Alcohol and children

It�s illegal for anyone to drink alcohol if they are under 18 years of age. The body also doesn�t cope as well with alcohol when people are younger because their brain, heart and liver aren�t fully developed enough to process it. This means it can seriously damage their health.
Alcohol is responsible for numerous hospitalisations and deaths in teenagers aged 14-17 each week in Australia.
Some useful tips for dealing with teenagers and drinking include:
  • Setting a good example in your own consumption of alcohol.
  • Talking to your teenager about alcohol laws and the potential consequences for breaking them.
  • Rewarding good behaviour if they show a responsible attitude towards alcohol.
  • Talking to your teenager about how to deal with peer pressure related to alcohol or binge drinking.


What is binge drinking?

Binge drinking manner ingesting heavily on a single event, or drinking continuously over some of days or weeks. a person might be more likely to interact in this behaviour if they experience peer strain to do so, or if they�re feeling awkward or uncomfortable at a celebration.

Binge consuming additionally has adverse quick-time period outcomes which include nausea and ability damage to the individual ingesting, and to others around them. it is able to also motive lengthy-time period consequences on their fitness and well-being. these consequences encompass full-size harm to the mind and liver, physical and psychological dependence on alcohol, and the chance of growing emotional and mental fitness troubles inclusive of depression and anxiety.

Tips on how to drink responsibly


  • Keep an eye on what you�re drinking, set limits for yourself and stick to them.
  • Know what a standard drink is and find a way to keep track of what you�re drinking.
  • Start with non-alcoholic drinks and alternate with alcoholic drinks, or try drinks with a lower alcohol content.
  • Eat before or while you are drinking.
  • Don�t drink and drive.
  • If you are going out in a group, work out who will drive everyone home. If no one wants to be the nominated driver, bring enough money for a taxi.
  • Avoid mixing alcohol and other drugs/medications.
  • Understand that your blood alcohol will continue to rise after you have consumed your last drink. You generally won�t reach your maximum BAC until 45-90 minutes after consuming it.

How HIV Kills Immune Cells

How HIV Kills Immune Cells

HIV infects immune cells and kills them, discovered by the scientists at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.  This research suggests that preserving the immune systems of HIV-infected individuals is very important. HIV causes harm to CD4+ cells (infection-fighting human immune cells) through complex processes, such as inserting its genes into cellular DNA.

It has been found that in the integration step, a cellular enzyme called DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) becomes activated. Generally, this enzyme manages the repair of simultaneous breaks in both strands of molecules that comprise DNA.  When HIV integrates its genes into cellular DNA, single-stranded breaks occur, where viral and cellular DNA meets.

Scientists discovered DNA activates DNA-PK when attacked by HIV. DNA-PK performs an unusually destructive role, eliciting a signal that causes the CD4+ T cell to die. The cells that die are the very ones mobilized to fight the infection.

Scientists believe that these new researches suggest that it is better to treat HIV-infected individuals with drugs. These drugs help in blocking the early steps of viral replication-up to and including activation of DNA-PK. The medications also can prevent viral replication and may improve CD4+ T cell survival and immune function.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Things to know about sex after delivery

Things to know about sex after delivery

Most couples resume their sex life within a month after delivery. While some take two to three months to come back to their normal sex life. Below mentioned is list of ten things that one must know about sex after delivery. Post-delivery women need some time to come back to their normal self, both on emotional and physical front. Most of the women are worried about their body-image after pregnancy. New mothers may feel reluctant and not interested in sex due to various reasons. The possible reasons can be soreness due to stitches or surgery and sensitive perineal area. It does make sense to let the wound heal before you have intercourse.

Sex after delivery is often interrupted by baby�s fuss. When you are really getting into the mood your baby may need you and start crying. Take care of your baby and leave your love for the next time. Sex after delivery can be uncomfortable for some women. Psychological factors are the main hurdle faced by such women. Their state of mind influence the nervous system and effect lubricate produced in aroused state. Delivery not only effect mother. Even some men lose interest in sex after having a baby. This is because he witnessed your harrowing and labour room scene. However, this doesn�t last for long.

Production of vaginal lubricant greatly depends on the oestrogen level in body. Post delivery the oestrogen level stays low, especially if mother is breast feeding. Therefore, during sex woman may become sexually aroused but her vagina will not be naturally lubricated. As a result sex becomes uncomfortable.

A good water based lubricant is helpful in sex after delivery. Use good amount of lubricant till your hormonal level settles down and everything comes back to normal. An important thing to know about sex after delivery is that sex drive of women significantly drops down. Initially your libido may fall down and you never want to have sex. But the good news is that it is only a temporary phase.

Medications can cause vaginal dryness. If you are on treatment for urinary tract infection, and taking tamoxifen and anti-histamine/oral nasal sprays then you are more likely to experience vaginal dryness. They directly affect mucus production by effecting mucus membranes.

Sex after delivery is affected by the new schedule of women. Taking care of baby for 24 hours leaves you emotionally and physically exhausted.

Food colours and hyperactivity

Food colours and hyperactivity




If your child shows signs of hyperactivity or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), eliminating some colours from their diet might have beneficial effects on their behaviour.

These colours include:

  •     sunset yellow (E110)
  •     quinoline yellow (E104)
  •     carmoisine (E122)
  •     allura red (E129)
  •     tartrazine (E102)
  •     ponceau 4R (E124)

These colours are used in a number of foods, including soft drinks, sweets, cakes and ice cream.

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has published a list of manufacturers with food ranges free from the six colours.

What are E numbers?

All food additives, whether natural or artificial, must go through a rigorous safety assessment and approval procedure, and must comply with European Union (EU) legislation. They're only allowed to be used if experts decide they're necessary and safe.

If a food additive has an E number, this shows it's passed safety tests and has been approved for use throughout the EU.

If colours are used in food they must be declared in the list of ingredients as 'colour', with either their name or E number.

If any of the six colours listed above are in food or drink, the food label must also have a specific warning saying that the colour 'may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children'.

You can avoid certain additives by checking the label. If you buy foods without packaging, you'll need to check with the manufacturer or the person selling the product.

The advice about food additives and hyperactivity was issued after being evaluated by the independent Committee on Toxicity and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) following research commissioned by the FSA.

The FSA is encouraging manufacturers to work towards finding alternatives to these food colours. Some manufacturers and retailers have already taken action to remove them. The FSA website has more information about where to find products free from the colours associated with hyperactivity.

You should also be aware that certain additives, such as sulphites, can cause allergic reactions.

The difference between hyperactivity and ADHD

In the context of this advice, hyperactivity is when a child is overactive, can't concentrate and acts on sudden impulses without thinking about alternatives.

Experts think hyperactivity affects 2-5% of children in the UK. There's no single test for diagnosing it.

It's important to remember that hyperactivity is also associated with factors other than additives, including premature birth, genetics and upbringing.

ADHD is more than just hyperactive behaviour. It's linked to a specific pattern of behaviour, including reduced attention span and difficulty concentrating, to the extent that the child�s ability to learn and function at home and school is affected. Children with ADHD often have learning difficulties and behavioural problems.

Benefits of Drinking Green Tea

Benefits of Drinking Green Tea

1. Nutritional Support for Health Challenges

While not a remain solitary cure by any methods, thinks about have indicated green tea can possibly battle many types of disease. One lab concentrate done at the McGill University in Montreal found that the cell reinforcements in green tea could effectively contract prostate tumors in mice. [1] Another meta-investigation of information observed that high green tea utilization could bring down lung tumor chance by up to 18%. [2]

Chinese reviews have even demonstrated a connection between green tea utilization and brought down odds of stomach, pancreatic, esophageal, prostate and colorectal disease. This is certainly an energizing to begin for more research to come.

2. Promotes Heart Health

Possibly because of its capacity to lower blood cholesterol, green tea has been appeared to help the body in its capacity to blaze off hurtful types of fat, keeping them from laying stagnant in the circulation system. Vast scale concentrates done on green tea have related it with long haul coronary illness counteractive action. A Japanese trial found that drinking no less than some green tea every day could bring down the seriousness of coronary illness in men. [3]

3. Antioxidants

Green tea is stacked with cell reinforcements. These free-radical battling substances increment the body's capacity to avoid sickness and back off the degenerative procedures of maturing. Green tea contains cell reinforcements called catechins [4] and polyphenols, types of cell reinforcements known to stop the reaction connected with harmed DNA, elevated cholesterol, and much malignancy. These cancer prevention agents go about as dilators on our veins, enhancing their flexibility and diminishing the possibility of stopping up. Besides, green tea experiences almost no preparing, permitting the regular cancer prevention agents to stay in place and thought.

4. Weight reduction Aid and Metabolism Booster

Green tea remove has been appeared to be successful in both the counteractive action and diminishment of weight pick up. One review found that green tea's fat oxidation properties helped members in weight reduction over a time of three months. A Japanese review found that members utilizing green tea concentrates were most effectively ready to get more fit, lower circulatory strain levels and dispose of destructive LDL cholesterol. Clinical reviews recommend that green tea's polyphenols make a fat-blazing impact in the body, and also increment digestion system. In any case, and this is a major at the same time, some exploration has demonstrated that green tea concentrate may offer a lot of something to be thankful for to the point it can contrarily influence liver wellbeing. In spite of the fact that we can't discuss the advantages of green tea without saying green tea concentrate and weight reduction, we additionally can't say that without the admonition against green tea extricate.

5. Supports Digestion

Green tea is a notable stomach related stimulant. It decreases intestinal gas and may even offer support for stomach related disarranges, for example, Crohn's sickness and ulcerative colitis, the two sorts of IBD.

6. Encourages Normal Blood Sugar

Green tea has been utilized as a part of customary drug to keep glucose levels balanced out. This might be because of the way that it manages glucose in the body. [5]

7. Support for Arthritis

Examines demonstrate that green tea neutralizes the reaction ordinarily connected with sicknesses like joint pain. It does this by moderating the irritation reaction and additionally the breakdown of ligament in joint people.

8. Helps the Immune System

Green tea may go about as a general resistant supporter. Chemicals in green tea have been utilized to advance great wellbeing in such a variety of ways. A few reviews on research center creatures even show promising proof that green tea can moderate the maturing procedure and even keep us alive longer!

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Fast Wieght Loss Tips & Tricks

Fast Wieght Loss Tips & Tricks

These days everyone including men, women, young and old alike, want to lose weight and they want results now. Although the healthiest way to lose weight may be to take things slow and naturally, such as traditional exercise 3-5 days a week, a healthy diet put together by a doctor, nutritionist or another professional. Yet there are still some people that step outside of the lines of traditional weight loss by trying fad diets, starvation, extreme exercise routines that are too hard on the body, and things that can end up doing more harm than good. Some people even go as far as to pay thousands of dollars to have surgery even though the risks associated with this method of weight loss have proven to be dangerous. Despite the risks, there are safer methods of achieving quicker weight loss. Here are some tips and tricks that you can use, that when done safely, may help you to weight faster:

1. Eat 4-5 Small Meals Per Day - Eating many small meals per day can safely increase your metabolism and encourage your body to burn fat quicker without having to starve your body. In fact, eating multiple times daily, you may even find yourself more satisfied and fulfilled than before you went on the diet. Your meals can consist of almost any healthy foods: raw or cooked vegetables, fruit, chicken, beef, as long the portions are small (about the size of your fist) for each meal. Make a schedule for yourself on paper, of what you will eat for that day, the times you will eat, even pre-make your meals! That will make it easier to stick to.

2. Exercise Lightly but Don't Over-do It - Exercise for a few minutes daily to help your body burn more fat and calories. Tip: If you dont like to exercise, at least do so right before bed time to help get rid of accumulated calories from that day. Also, if you prefer, work on only your target body areas (example - your abs) for now. Then when the results start to show, you'll be more determined to get the rest of your body looking great.

3. Take Vitamins and Supplements - Take Vitamins and Supplements that are specifically meant to aid in weight loss. They will help keep your body healthy and nourished throughout the weight loss process.

4. Keep a Diary - Keep a notebook, journal, even a piece of paper with the dates, times, foods that you ate and when, exercise, any weight that you have lost, etc. so that you can keep close track of your progress.

5. Visualize Your Goal Body - See yourself at your goal weight in as many ways as possible. For example, find old pictures from when you were thinner. Save pictures of people who have the exact body that you want. Get creative and pull from different sources of inspiration.

6. Give Yourself Incentives - Set a date to go out to a movie, treat yourself to a dinner, buy that new outfit you've had your eye on for the past week, or spoil yourself, after you have lost weight and met your goal. Just be sure to try and maintain your new weight.

Food Additives and E numbers

Food Additives and E numbers

Food additives are ingredients added to foods for various reasons - for example, to make them last longer.
An E number is a reference number given to food additives that have passed safety tests and have been approved for use throughout the European Union (EU).

Common food additives

You�re most likely to see the following types of additives on food labels:
  • Antioxidants stop food going off or changing colour, including foods prepared with fats or oils (such as meat pies or mayonnaise), bakery products, soup mixes and sauces.
  • Colours are used to make food more attractive. They can be natural in origin, such as curcumin (E100), which is a yellow extract of turmeric roots, or artificial, such as tartrazine (E102).
  • Emulsifiers, stabilisers, gelling agents and thickeners prevent foods from separating and give food body and texture. For example, pectin (E440) is the most common gelling agent and is used in jam.
  • Flavour enhancers bring out the flavour in foods without adding their own flavour. For example, monosodium glutamate (E621) or MSG is used in processed foods such as soups and sauces.
  • Preservatives keep food safe to eat for longer. For example, nitrite and nitrate (E249 to E252) are used in bacon, ham, corned beef and other cured meats, to stop bacteria from growing.
  • Sweeteners are used with or instead of sugar to make food taste sweet. Examples include aspartame (E951), saccharin (E954) and sorbitol (E420).

Additives and food labels

According to EU legislation, food additives must be shown clearly in the list of ingredients on food labels, either by the additive�s name or E number.

Is Always Condoms are GOOD to USE?

Is Always Condoms are GOOD to USE?

  • A few men grumble that they can't keep an erection subsequent to putting on a condom. Such sort of distress is generally experienced typical thickness condoms. More slender condoms ought to be attempted, which likewise give same assurance.

  • Putting on condom is viewed as a spoilsport, as temperament gets demolished and erection is not the same. It breaks the succession of sexual movement occasions by intruding on foreplay and sex.

  • Male condoms can slip off or break if utilized inaccurately.

  • Hypersensitivity to latex is another advance against utilization of a condom. Individuals delicate to the chemicals in latex condoms must utilize condoms made of polyurethane. Besides, oil-based greases (hypoallergenic condoms, for example, body oils or salves, ought to never be utilized with latex condoms as oil can break down the latex inside minutes, and making harm a condom.

  • When utilizing a female condom, you must be additional cautious. Guarantee that infiltration is inside a condom, not down the sides between the condom and vagina.

  • Condoms increment contact, and now and then in charge of a lot of grating. An excessive amount of grinding makes it hard to infiltrate easily.

  • Exchanging between brands or sorts offer distinctive sensations. On the off chance that you do it all the more frequently, a condom may get to be reason of not having a pleasurable sexual action.

  • A condom may advance safe sex and secure you against sexually transmitted illnesses (STD's) and undesirable pregnancy, however its single utilize is a burden. Keep in mind that every condom ought to just be utilized once.

  • Men with erectile brokenness issue may have a troublesome time while putting on a condom. Intrusion of sexual act makes it hard to manage the erection.

Top 10 Female Erogenous Zones

Top 10 Female Erogenous Zones

As interest is a piece of our hereditary cosmetics, most men stay inquisitive with respect to what turns a lady on. What spot would we be able to touch to make her completely insane? Well men of their word, today's your day of reckoning since I have the main 10 answers.

Though it wouldn't take a scientific genius to find men's erogenous zones (the penis, the gonads and the rear-end), ladies get stirred through exceptionally various body parts. Ok ladies, what an impeccable species!

Beat 10 tantalizers:

How about we begin on our trip through a lady's body, might we?

10. Internal Thighs

Within the thighs are profoundly delicate to touching, stroking and licking. Much the same as the back of the knees, internal thighs additionally have many nerve endings, consequently when you pet them, you will turn her on like there's no tomorrow.

Keep in mind not to chomp on the grounds that the range is extremely delicate and doing as such would just aim her gentle agony, which will, thusly, cause you a lot of torment.

9. Behind the Knees

In view of all the nerve endings behind the knees, you'd be amazed at how insane a lady can get to be the point at which you tenderly lick or snack on the back of her knees.

Be mindful so as not to try too hard � the region, all things considered, is exceptionally delicate and you should be mindful so as not to make the sensation irritating by getting too unpleasant or stimulating her excessively.

8. Buttocks

Yes, it's valid. Bunches of ladies like it when you play around with their behinds. A ton of ladies like gentle beating and crushing of the rear end. Be that as it may, there's additional...

A few ladies like having their butts licked, sucked and entered (with fingers, penis or both). For the individuals who shiver at the possibility of staying their tongues out at Uranus , I'm certain that butt-centric infiltration, then again, sounds very welcoming, huh?

7. Nape of the Neck

Simply breathing on this a portion of her body will give her the shivers everywhere. So simply envision her response when you utilize your tongue or teeth to get her excited.

Utilize your hands as well; lift her hair up delicately as you convey your mouth nearer to her neck. At that point, as you sink your teeth into it, pull on her hair somewhat in order to give that "I need you sooo terrible" impression.

This part of a lady's body is likewise a decent place to begin giving her that arousing rub you are well known for and no lady can stand up to.

6. Ears

Numerous ladies appreciate having their ears licked, sucked or kissed. In spite of the fact that blowing in her ear is satisfactory, it's not what ladies appreciate most. Other than the previously mentioned things that they like having done to their ears, ladies like it when you whisper in their ears.

5. Feet

Numerous ladies appreciate having their feet touched, rubbed and some even appreciate having them licked and sucked. Accepting that their feet have been appropriately scrubbed, ladies appreciate it when their men invest energy stroking their soles, toes and lower legs. Since these zones can all be sensitive, the impression of sensitivity can be lovely for the beneficiary.

While a few men wince at the possibility of wrapping their mouths around a body part that spends the majority of its day sweating in calfskin, many folks are quite enthused about giving their ladies a decent toe lashing occasionally.

4. Wrists

This may come as a stun to most folks (ladies have wrists??!?), yet ladies cherish having their wrists snuggled and snacked by their partners. Whenever you're getting into the foreplay of things with your lady, start kissing and touching her wrists and simply look at how inspired and turned on she'll get to be!

3. Breasts (Nipples)

As I'm certain is nothing unexpected to anybody, the bosoms are sexually touchy and delicate stroking, crushing, touching, licking and sucking of the areolas can be to a great degree stimulating.

Similarly too, numerous ladies like it when their folks get somewhat unpleasant with their little mountains , so discover how she enjoys it and offer it to her the way she needs!

2. Vagina/Clitoris
The clitoris can be empowered by utilizing the tongue, the finger or, for the multi-capable Joe, both at the same time. A few ladies jump at the chance to manage their significant others with regards to the particular measure of weight they appreciate.

For the individuals who don't get that extravagance, it's typically very clear regardless of whether she's satisfied with your execution. On the off chance that she starts getting squirmy, ensure that this is on account of she's appreciating it and not on the grounds that you're giving her that "irritating" feeling.

In the vagina, the G-spot might be somewhat hard to find, however a few ladies discover the hunt very advantageous. There is a territory inside a few ladies' vaginas that produces exceptional sexual sentiments when animated. Once found, extremely delicate incitement gives an amazingly lovely and uncommon sensation.

What's more, the main female erogenous zone...

1. Lips

Yes, it's valid. On the off chance that you know how to control her lips without flaw through kissing, licking, sucking and gnawing, it is exceptionally conceivable that a kiss will prompt to significantly more than that. Utilize your lips, your tongue and your teeth to play with her top and base lip and kiss her with total energy.

4 Things Every Female Virgin Should Know

4 Things Every Female Virgin Should Know 

1.) It Feels better without a Condom

You already know, human beings actually get on their excessive horse when it comes to using condoms. Here's the aspect: you realize those PSAs or HBO households in crisis movies approximately the significance of safe intercourse? And there's continually a man who is like slimy and tries to candy-communicate his girlfriend into having sex with out a condom because "it feels better." nicely, he is right. It completely does sense better. I understand, realize! Condoms are important for lots motives and also you should wear them. but for me, it feels way greater herbal without one and i'm lots much less possibly to get a UTI. And if he re-u.s.a.and is able to fuck you again, and you guys undergo with foreplay again, it does not taste as gross whilst you move down on him.

2.) location, place, vicinity

Your pussy is top real property. in case your body were a Monopoly board, your clit and vadge might be Boardwalk. plenty of guys do not know what the hell they are doing, and sometimes they just poke their dick round blindly. make certain you manual them to the the front hole, 'reason If he accidentally jams it on your butt or your taint, and you're now not equipped for it, you are now not gonna just like the way it feels.

3.) Lube, Lube, Lube

that is seriously the maximum essential thing for D in the V. (Or B...but no butts but, I said!) ideally, you want to be so became on that your vadge is naturally moist, however that might not happen the primary few times, for some thing motive (anxiousness, worry, and so forth.) So just make certain you've got a group of lube on hand. however, if you purchased plenty of bottled lube down there, you should not strive doggy style, because all that stuff will get on your pee hole and it's going to provide you with the mother of all UTIs

4.) Tampons Will match higher After

No funny story. They definitely will. i was in no way able to get tampons up there earlier than I misplaced my virginity, possibly because i used to be too anxious on every occasion I tried. however the weekend once I did it for the primary time (and the second one, and third, and fourth, and so on), I decided to attempt to insert a slender/regular, despite the fact that I did not have my duration. no longer almost as a lot resistance and i was able to get the whole factor up there.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

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